Angela's Wedding: Oxford 8.1.7-8.8.7

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Not a giant thistle, but it looks like one
Not a giant thistle, but it looks like one
Man up to his waist in lilies
Man up to his waist in lilies
Limonium Bellidifolium
Limonium Bellidifolium
Richard in garden
Richard in garden
Galega X Hartlandii (Alba)
Galega X Hartlandii (Alba)
Groovy bridge
Groovy bridge
Bridge of sighs
Bridge of sighs
Bridge of sighs (detail)
Bridge of sighs (detail)
Pitt Rivers Museum
Pitt Rivers Museum
Giant frickin' crab
Giant frickin' crab
Gargoyle and sky
Gargoyle and sky
Gargoyles and religious figures
Gargoyles and religious figures
Grotesque on church
Grotesque on church
Drinking tea with Richard
Drinking tea with Richard
The tea
The tea
Me or Richard; I can't tell
Me or Richard; I can't tell
More church grotesques
More church grotesques
Library dome
Library dome
Rising bollard
Rising bollard
Nosebag is a good word
Nosebag is a good word
Art museum facade with crane
Art museum facade with crane
Post-post-post modern art
Post-post-post modern art
Isn't this a Zeppelin cover?
Isn't this a Zeppelin cover?
wall 2
wall 2
Where's Dr. Who?
Where's Dr. Who?
Richard expressing himself on Beef Lane
Richard expressing himself on Beef Lane
Oxford Street scene
Oxford Street scene